But actually i don`t know if How it works as distinguished `concept art`,`props design`,`building design` and `level design` in game development company of other countries.
In South Korea, it usually is not distinctly distinguished this yet.(I think that level design was divided with `game design part` relatively)
In addition, when I developed `The Hammer Boy` in 2001, the role was more vague among divisions in the game development industry of South Korea than now
So, in 2001, we had to work in various parts.I used to have a meeting with the art director before making a stage.
But, The art director prepared only one word for the meeting.
For example, "It is a stage that Mangchi had to escape quickly from a dinosaur, well...we are trying to talk about this stage." " What is your idea?"
And then i had to draw images of level design about the stage after the simple meeting.
Actually, These works were images for level design.
Looking back, I feel that the quality of drawing was so low after looking at this images which I drew in 2001. So I`m not confident to put these images on this blog. But these have become an important part of my history as concept artist.
So i decided to release these drawings without adjusting
I remember that I liked this stage.
Mangchi has to escape quickly from the dinosaur before he becomes the dinosaur`s lunch.
But sadly, this stage was substituted with other concept which is to escape from car in `Sleeping City` stage because of developing time
But these level designs were adopted in second stage and third stage.
This stage seems like a flight simulation game, but i don`t have screenshots of this stage.
if i take that, i`m going to release that
Although my original work is a concept designer, I could work as game designer for two years due to these experiences and career.